Jennifer and Nicole, Sacramento Street Fashion

June 3, 2011//4pm///Library Quad at Sac State

The sun was out. A bleak coat of blue blanketed the Sacramento sky. On this day I met Jennifer and Nicole in the central library quad. We sat upon a concrete bench, encircled around a water fountain. Little brown squirrels would scurry near us as we spoke. But that didn't really bother us much. I had occassionally met Jennifer from time to time, as we both were involved with different projects at the MCC. Nicole is one of Jennifer's really good friends. Both Jennifer and Nicole have gr8 senses of style.

Here is a selected excerpt from our interview. Although most of our conversation was interesting this was a little bit of the crimsom and gold that our words collectively formed that day. (just clarify: m stands for megan, the blogger; j stands for jennifer wood; and n stands for nicole; And BFF, well that means best friend 4ever):

m- do you think that's something important about fashion: the ability to be more unique?

j- absolutely. Alot of what I wear is not just to look good but make me feel good. Make me feel like I got some sort of kick in my step. And make me feel like I have confidence. I will use fashion on days when I'm not feeling confident. I'll dress super cute because if nothing goes right at least I know I looked good that day.

m- yes, wear what makes you happy :) (and goes on a rant about a previous post "Malcolm X Plaza: Nighttime Musings")

& later on in our conversation.....

j-(describing BFF "n") her clothes are sophisticated. she is sleek and urban.

n- i just like to keep things simple. i don't want to say i'm elegant but i do try to be sophisticated. in fact one weekend i went to trader joes. and i guess i always think of stacey and clinton when i get dressed in the morning, when you're running out of the house wearing nice clothes even if its a saturday morning and you're going grocery shopping. so i'll wear a nice shirt, nice jeans, nice shoes... and the lady behind the counter asks me:

are you going to work today?

and i'm like no, just going to the store. So she said Oh. --Then you just kinda look around and you're like "No wonder. Everybody's wearing sweats."

m- (laughs when "n" says everyone is wearing sweats, because "m" always wears sweats to the grovery store)

n- (continued) I don't want that image. And I think alot of it too for me is I spent so long being so heavy and wearing such dowdy clothes that now I can wear the stuff I've always wanted to. I pay attention to how I look and to the image that I........ I'm a little too concerned of what people think about me, and that's why I tend to be on the safer side of fashion instead of branching out a bit. Jennifer and I went shopping about a month or two ago and saw an outfit at the Gap....

j- (replies uh-huhhmmmm, in agreeance)

n- and it wasn't anything I could've picked. Unless I see it set up like that then I'll wear it because that's acceptable. But I can't just pick that stuff out of my closet because I'm never sure if it's going to work out right or not.

m- I think that is like an "eye" in itself. Not only to pick out patterns but to choose something simple. It's like a different set of eyes.

further on into the conversation jennifer and nicole talk FASHION PHILOSOPHY

j- Nicole and I don't look like twins. We really don't dress alike even though we like alot of the same things. You know its funny, i've never really though of it in that way [...] I love "What Not To Wear". i know it's the same show over and over again (she laughs enthusiastically) but I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT. I LOVE TO SEE THE TRANSFORMATION. I LOVE TO SEE PEOPLE WAKE UP TO THEIR OWN SENSE OF SELF. In some ways it does seem superficial. But also its so deep, the work that they are doing. And when their clients see themselves in a new way. I am amazed by that

n-I get so inspired when that show is over. In fact there have been a few times where I have gone back to my closet, after watching the outfits they have put together, and looked into to see "What do I have that is similar?....Okay this outfit might work together." I just feel braver after watching that show.

j- Yeah, I just feel braver to get rid of stuff that isn't working how I wanted it to. When I grew up there wasn't a lot of money to spend on clothes. My mom isn't a fashionista at all and doesn't really understand it. And she didn't understand why I needed more clothes. (She and Nicole chuckle) But I used to go shopping at Thrift Stores and I would always hold onto things even though it wasn't perfect, because it was mine. I had it. You know what I mean? So now I have trouble letting stuff go. Even if I bought it at a swap meet. It's a part of my closet.

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